So, What do you do first?
Everyone needs to register. By registering and activating your email account we can keep those who are not interested in the contest out. The internet is a big challenge with BOT’s so this fixes that.
Once you Register you will get an email with an Activation Button. This is where we double opt you in and can verify that you and your email are aligned. Check your SPAM and JUNK folders if you don’t get it within 5 minutes of registering.
Once you are Activated come on back and click on Login.
Once Logged in you can go to https://usc24x7.com/game-day and begin making your predictions for each weeks games.
You can enter a prediction every week or all at once. The predictions can be updated by you up to 30 minutes to kickoff every week. By entering every week all up front you are locked in the contest. Miss a week and you are out for the Top 3 prizes.
At 30 minutes to kickoff each week the game is locked. The predictions by each player for that weeks game will then appear and you can see for yourself how the game will be going against your competition.
Will I be playing? YES of course. But I do not qualify for end of year or weekly prizes but I will be in every week.
Thats all there is to it. If you have more people in your network that might want to play, please invite them to usc24x7.com/game-day
Game Day Instruction
Welcome to USC24x7 Game Day. We are excited about the new player contest for our Trojan Nation. Over the past three years we have been working on a way to make this a fun fan experience. A place to test your knowledge of the game by predicting the correct score each week. In addition, we launched a new set of forums for the Game Week experience so you will have a choice of Twitter versus a much more private experience with our Registered Guest only approach. We believe this will be a fun add-on to the overall contest.
So, let’s get to the contest. The contest is based on skill. Your ability to guess your USC Trojan final score as well as their competition. You will be awarded points for accuracy so for every point you are over or under the actual final score those point differentials will be totaled up for both scores and you will have a Net Score. Lowest net score wins the week.
The Top 3 most accurate players who have submitted a prediction for every game will qualify for a year-end contest. The Top 3 will be awarded prizes for their great efforts. No fee will ever be charged by USC24x7.COM. We are not driving this as a business. The site pays for itself with limited Ads you will see and the love of the game and our Trojans..
In addition, USCScoop.Com and their Publisher Scott Schrader have donated a Weekly prize to the Game Day contest. Each week the #1 Player at the end of each game will be offered 2 months free subscription at USCScoop.com. I find Scott’s site and his team to be one of the best in the business and I personally subscribe annually. He has a unique player and recruitment approach to the families, the athletes and the program that are refreshing and highly ethical. So, here’s to USCScoop.Com and Scott for the alliance with Game Day!