The times they are a changing. For the PAC-12 Conference being relevant doesn’t seem to be that big of a deal. Sure they tout their 500+ Championships and how big of a lead they have over all other conferences when it comes to the ultimate measurement of success in athletics. But does anyone even care about the PAC-12 outside of the conference members themselves today?
Television would certainly suggest that the PAC-12 is kind of cool to have. But given choices of the SEC, BIG Ten, ACC and the BIG12 well let’s just say that showing your product at 10:30pm on a Friday night doesn’t really get anyone interested. But nice going Larry Scott. Looks like a cute little conference and enjoy those 5pm start times on the busiest traffic day of any week for people to get to your venues or even get home in time to see your products displayed nationally or at least on the West Coast.
For the record this topic is getting old. This topic has been bantered around for years but does it get any improvement going forward? No. Larry Scott and the Pac-12 conference athletic directors and Presidents are not moving the needle to change this archaic position of demonstrating the strength of the product nationally. Even crazier is the fact that the silence amongst the PAC-12 executive level to this topic is death to the conference in the future. When the Law of Attraction moves in the opposite direction of your targeted audience the count down to end of days is relevant and you become a topic for the history books.
All the innovation and fancy offensive plays that the PAC-12 delivers as a brand in the market are nice-to-have’s. They can chat about that at the local taverns of Larry Scott and the executive branch. Talk is cheap. It’s time for the PAC-12 to stand out. To stop the Friday night lights disaster and give that back to the High School teams.
Fight On