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Key Exit Metrics for USC Spring Camp 2017

Tick tick tick and it will be all eyes on Summer and Fall camp. So what will be our key exit metrics for this years spring camp. For the first time in many years, post sanction, we had solid depth. The offensive line and to some degree the running backs are still not 100% healthy. While the concern is not as high with the running backs it is with the offensive line.

I remember last year we were all anticipating Arlington, TX and Alabama with all those flash bulbs going off. Many of us thought our strength with the mature well tested offensive line would shine. But this is why we play the games. This is why the excitement of spring camp is tempered this year. Everyone is pumped up in anticipation but if you listen carefully to the coaches they are not as hyped up this year as last. Which is ironic given this team seems to be much deeper with a nice combination of new and somewhat new experience.

Athletically this team is loaded and 2-3 deep by position. We needed all of this depth to keep running a solid spring camp. But as we exit and decide the success or failure of the camp what will be the key exit metics which take the emotional impact out of the equation?

By key exit metrics we are talking about many variables. The coaching staff would normally set their skill set goals for a camp. At the end of the camp they would measure those variables but statistics taken during the practice sessions and scrimmages allowed. For example, Coach McCullough might want to measure ball control as he spent a great deal of time in drills related to carrying a very heavy and wet football while pounding the Running Backs arms and hands with punching sticks. One example.

Key Exit Metrics By Role

If I had to look at the offense and the defense today and tell you what I saw in person and in video I would say that the defensive line was by far the most advanced and as ready to take on the season. The secondary was very good as well as the number of turnovers was substantial as we all took note. On the offensive side of the ball there was bursts by the running backs and stands by the line. The QB’s improved each and every practice with Matt Fink making a statement and Jack Sears improving from day one to now. Sam was Sam and he was clearly looking to establish timing. My standout on the offensive side of the ball was Michael Pittman. Kid just shined. Deontay was solid throughout but Pittman was very visible and challenging high for each ball thrown at him.Fight On

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