We are clearly in that lull. That quiet before the storm as we anticipate Summer Camp. Sometimes referred to as player only practice. Key time for the players to bond. For Leaders to rise up and earn the respect of their peers. Not a lot of information comes out of these PRP’s but as we hear things we will report, comment and in general entertain and keep you up to date as we get closer to Fall Camp and the exciting season ahead of our Trojans.
Sweeping through the Trojans will be depth. Depth like we have not witnessed in many seasons. The cadence will be crisp the offense will always look great in PRP as no real hitting takes place. Oh sure there will be some but in general its not a physical hitting camp. Talking and communicating deeply and watching as new leaders take the podium of the huddle or the defensive backfield will be closely watched.
It’s a great time to develop that unspoken communication pipe that provides game time collaboration when talking is not possible. It’s that breaking off of the route when both the QB and the WR give a subtle nod to each other at the line of scrimmage. I love this session. I think the PRP provides a team a chance to fully develop. The bonding is critical when things are getting tough its these precious times that will rise above it during the season that players can quickly turn to the leaders and gain instruction with or without a spoken word.